Scientific name : Asparagus officinalis
Common name : Sparrow Grass, Sperage, Asparagus, Garden Asparagus
Family   : Liliaceae

Green greenish purple or white in color, erect stem that reaches up to 6-8 inches tall, fleshly spears topped with bud-like compact heads and with scaly like leaves. The flowers are small solitary bell-shaped with red berry fruit containing black seeds. Roots have sweet and bitter taste.


  • Potent antioxidant property. It has high content of gluthathione (GSH), chlorophyll, saponin (asparanin A, sarsasapagenin, protodioscin, diosgenin), flavanoids (quercitin, rutin, kaemferol and isorhamnetin), vitamin A (beta-carotene), C, E and minerals like manganese, selenium and zinc.
  • Excellent source of vitamins A, B9 (folic acid), C and K.
  • Very good source of protein, dietary fiber, amino acid (tryptophan), vitamin B complex (B1,B2, B3, B6) and minerals like copper, manganese phosphorus and potassium.
  • Good source of minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.
  • Also contain the following nutrients: carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin B5, B7 and vitamin E.
  • Anti-tumor or anti-cancer properties. Prevents and fights cancer by slowing down tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) activation by retraining the lL-1 secretion.
  • Cardiovascular protection. It lowers blood LDL “bad” cholesterol level.
  • Reduces risk of developing diabetes mellitus (DM). It lowers blood sugar level.
  • Digestive support. Aids in digestion due to high fiber and inulin contents. It has anti-spasmodic effects and relieves abdominal pain.
  • Lung protection. Strengthens lung functions.
  • Diuretic property is due to asparagin substance. It eliminates toxins, relieves edema, congestion and reduces water retention during pre-menstrual period and pregnancy.
  • Treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) due to asparagin (b-sitosterol compound) content.
  • High alkaline property due to ammonia content. It reduces blood acidity and prevents and dissolves kidney stones.
  • Hormonal support. It stimulates sex hormone production – aphrodisiac effect, promotes fertility, relieves pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS) such as discomfort or cramping and increases breast milk production.
  • In pregnancy, it reduces the risk the neural tube defects and low birth weight due to fight content of vitamin B9 (folic acid) and calcium.
  • Central nervous system protection. It relieves insomnia due to its mild sedative effects. Improves neurodegenerative disease like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
  • Anti-inflammatory property. It relieves symptom of arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory process.
  • Anti-bacterial activity.
  • Anti-viral activity property.
  • Anti-parasitic activity. It contains substance asparagusic acid that kills nematodes or intestinal worms (hookworms and pain worms) and treats schistosomiasis.

ASPARAGUS is one of the active Ingredients of C24/7 and COMPLETE PHYTO-ENERGIZER.  The complete food supplement in the market today.

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